Lactarius turpis (Weinm.) Fr. Image location: Larkspur, California, USA Growing under planted Birch. Caps up to 9.5 cm across and sl. tacky. Latex white staining the gills brownish. Taste was latently acrid. Spore print was creamy. Spores were ~ 7.0 X 5.9 microns. Looks to be a good ID but my spore measurements are somewhat smaller than what I found in Phillip’s book. Used references: Reliable amateur mycologists.
For more information about this, see the observation page at Mushroom Observer.
Ez egy retusált kép, ami azt jelenti, hogy az eredetihez képest digitálisan módosították. Módosítások: whitebalance, cropped, slightly denoised, sharpness slightly reduced, resized, multiple unsharp masked. Az eredeti itt található: 2011-09-17 Lactarius turpis (Weinm.) Fr 169821.jpg. Módosította: Ak ccm.
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2011-11-14T22:24:19Z Ak ccm 3072x2304 (2116527 Bytes) {{Information |Description='''''Lactarius turpis''''' (Weinm.) Fr. Image location: Larkspur, California, USA Growing under planted Birch. Caps up to 9.5 cm across and sl. tacky. Latex white staining the gills brownish. T
== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description='''''Lactarius turpis''''' (Weinm.) Fr. Image location: Larkspur, California, USA Growing under planted Birch. Caps up to 9.5 cm across and sl. tacky. Latex white staining the gills brownish. Taste wa