English: 'The Turkish light cavalry are remarkable for their activity, particularly those which have been raised in Georgia. Many of the corps have the privilege of selecting their own weapons; they carry pikes of different lengths, usually about six feet, having an iron point or spear, sometimes ornamented with a tassel, composed of feathers or hair. Some of these corps carry a battle-axe, but the sabre and pistols are more generally used, as is the Mameluke saddle.
The body of light cavalry, denominated Delhis, or Desperadoes, is very formidable in the charge; the attack is made in troops, and the rush on the enemy is accompanied with a shout of "Allah! Allah!" from every man, as an invocation to the Deity. They boast of their temerity; and their conduct evinces a contempt for danger and fearlessness of death: with such dauntless spirits, if properly directed, what might not be achieved? They are attentive to duty, and ever watchful; their horses are constantly girthed, whether in a stable or at the piquet, and their arms in good order, and constantly about their persons.'
The Military Costume of Turkey, published by Thomas McLean 1813. [1]
Drawings by Octavien Dalvimart (d'Alvimart), Engraved F.H. Clark
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