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Fájl:УЖД Ляскеля на финской карте.jpg

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Eredeti fájl (809 × 1 644 képpont, fájlméret: 520 KB, MIME-típus: image/jpeg)


Русский: Узкоколейная железная дорога Ляскеля — Йоэнсуу (Хийденсельга) на карте 1939 года.
English: Lyaskelya narrow gauge railway at 1939 map.
Suomi: Läskelän rautatie, 1939.
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Contains data from the NLS Topografinen kartta 1:20000, 1939
This file incorporates data from the National Land Survey of Finland Topografinen kartta 1:20000, 1939. Reuse of this file is bound by a license.

Generally, you are free:

  • to share – to copy and distribute the file,
  • to remix – to edit, utilize and combine the file.

Under the following conditions:

  • attribution – You must attribute the NLS and identify the version of the dataset used, like above (but not in any way that suggests that the NLS endorses you or your use of the work).

Specific license details and terms of use are available at the NLS website. You must observe the terms of the license when reusing this file.


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aktuális2020. november 12., 15:23Bélyegkép a 2020. november 12., 15:23-kori változatról809 × 1 644 (520 KB)КрасныйUploaded a work by {{author|Q979330}} from [] with UploadWizard

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